Fair & Precious

Fair & Precious, by ATIBT

Gilmour & Aitken are members of the tropical timber trade association ATIBT whose FSC members pull together to promote the sustainability of their timbers under the Fair & Precious brand.

The Fair and Precious brand highlights the 10 commitments these companies adhere to which fall inline with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Fair & Precious brand aims to encourage the market to be committed actors in the socio-economic valuation of the tropical forest.

The industry is committed to the fight against deforestation and global warming as well as preservation of flora and fauna.
The FSC ™ and PEFC PAFC certification ensures the buyer of this.

Gilmour & Aitken are proud that in 2024 one of our Guyanese Suppliers, STS Sawmills has now joined ATIBT and increasing the global communication of good quality tropical forestry.

Guyana, the home of D70 Greenheart, has 87% forest cover nationally and one of the best forest systems in the world.